Monday 25 January 2010

Roll in the hay

Have just been watching some interminable film about hippies living in a commune (of which more anon), so clearly I was ready for a bit of farm rough:

Except, of course, this chap looks like he's never done a day's farming work in his life.

I prefer it that way, such is my decadence.

And I was about to write that he isn't actually my type but, of course, that would be a Big Fat Lie. Even though he has a giant mutant winkie.

Yes, I am ashamed to say I would not turn down a roll in the hay with this chap. No sirree.


Anonymous said...

Not always embarrassed by an embarrassment of riches, then? I rather thought you might take that position.

LeDuc said...

Well... I don't like to discriminate against those poor chaps who have enormous schlongs. It's not their fault, is it?

Niall said...

Looks totally avarage sized to me, and sexy with it in his dark latino kind of way :-P

nickwallacesmith said...

a very hot man and beautiful photographs - not the necessarily usual combination!

best, nick