Saturday 31 October 2009

Let me explain

For me there's some inextricable linkage between modesty, embarrassment, nakedness and sexual thrills.

Which I suspect is why cfnm scenarios do something for me.

It's not the women, delightful though I am sure they are.

It's the man who is the focus of my attention.

This great-looking and nominally straight guy is, according to the story, desperate for promotion, and his women bosses decided to use that as a lever to humiliate him.

As in all good porn stories, the details of the fantasy are not particularly important.

Although there is also something infantilising about his nakedness, it serving to make them appear super-adult (and, therefore, sexual/sexually dominant beings).

He is reduced to a plaything, but that's something which also removes from him some responsibility for expressing his sexuality (something I suspect a lot of gay men experience as they grow up, attempting to reconcile their own feelings with the perceived disapproval of their family and peers).

The women praise him for carrying out his bodily function to their command (potty training parallels, anyone?).

And then they force him to confront the reality of his actions.

Adult secretions, from an organ children are taught again and again is "dirty", can be horrifying:

To ingest them is an act of profound rebellion, a defiance of the clean/dirty binary opposite so rigidly enforced in our society (and, especially, on children as they grow up).

He is left, laid out like a naked baby waiting to be changed:

Before a final act of ritual humiliation:

After all that he is refused promotion and leaves, head hung in shame.

I dunno. It doesn't feel like such a turn on after all that analysis.


Anonymous said...

I've just spent an interesting interlude on your blog so I'm Following you now and will call back from time to time.

Nice trains.

jlo said...

I enjoy these as well. I thik that I would like to do some cfnm sometimes LOVE AND HUGS

Niall said...

Aww he's a real cutie too! Those mean bitches!