Tuesday 27 October 2009

Random smut

You know what it's like when you move into a new flat.

Things feel a bit strange.

Nothing sinister -- it's just that you're not quite used to it all yet.

Blogs are the same.

So I thought, what better way to help you settle in than if I post a load of old random cock?

Interwoven with more tasteful pictures, obviously.

A few images to get you over the first few hairy moments.

Or to let you wallow in them, whichever you prefer.

Yeah, we're off to a cracking start, I think.


FKJ said...

love the carpet rug chest

LeDuc said...

He's my favourite -- all that twinkly eye stuff, too!

Spikeau said...

All art critics need a change of domicile occasionally: a fresh, new space with some of the old, comfortable furniture to make him - and his guest - feel at home.
Happily, our critic has not lost his eye for lovely grey eyes, tactile fur and a gentle smile; nor for wee winkies, for that matter. How lovely!
Congratulations, LeDuc. And thank you for not leaving us 'friendless and alone'.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. You have restored my Raison d’ĂȘtre. This is one Yank that is grateful for the normal sized, normal (uncut) winkies and the movies, trains, architecture and political commentary. thank you for not leaving us high and dry.