Saturday 31 October 2009

Thirsty work

What with it being Hallowe'en and all, I thought it appropriate to toddle off with my friend D. to watch a vampire movie.

Thirst is part of that one-man wave of delightful Korean films directed by Chan-wook Park, whose Old Boy and Sympathy for Mr Vengeance are among the best films of the last decade.

But Thirst follows hard on the heels of exquisite Swedish vampire movie Let the Right One In -- is it up to it?

The answer is a resounding yes: much, much darker than the Swedish film, Thirst is at times blackly funny.

It's a strange mix of Touch, Near Dark and a splatterfest Tarantino.

If that doesn't sound appetising then I have done Thirst a huge disservice.


Anonymous said...

Probs a massive disservice! But the pics are nice and as long as you guys enjoyed it, then it's served its purpose!

FKJ said...

i blogged about this a few months back!!!!