Friday, 5 March 2010


I like Mad Men, really, I do, but I get a bit tired of the political correctness.

Not the sexism (which was rife and vile, and is generally well portrayed), but the absence of pervasive and vicious racism does blow a hole in its credibility for me.

Even the sexism is a bit down-played.

For instance, the standard late 1950s tv advert aimed at housewives (to persuade them to buy Brand X soap powder, for instance), almost invariably featured two "aspirational" women sitting in the kitchen of the householder who then persuades the other that her smalls are so fresh only because she bought Brand X.

So common was this scenario that in advertising land it had an acronym: 2CK.

"2" referred to the number of women, and "K" referred to the kitchen. You can work out for yourself what the "C" stood for.

For some reason, 2CK came into my head when looking at this delightful photo sequence.

And I wondered if "2 boys on a beach" was sufficiently commonplace for it to be known as 2BB.

I wouldn't want you to think I was bored with 2BB scenarios, though.

No, as this one shows, there's a lot of life left in them yet. Oh, yes.


Stewart Jackel said...

These chappies are young enough to be my descendants. But their genes are sufficiently different to allow them to stenuously deny the assertion. Lucky BBs - or is it BsB?
Positively edible.

Uncutplus said...

Thanks for the beautiful beach boys sequence. Looked so innocent and delightful. I don't remember what the rest of your post was about!

Anonymous said...

Lovely pics, and good to see them discovered again after many years. Thanks for posting them

Dio said...

I was wondering where you were going with the Mad Men/advertising post and these lovely pics. Very funny conclusion :)

Niall said...

The dark haired chap is simply lush.
Ignore the possible discomfort of sand in certain places and the two boys on a beach formula is a very enjoyable one.

Chris said...

I love the way they interact - they seem to be friends...cute too!

nyc steve said...

makes me wish it was beach season