Saturday, 20 March 2010

Cock suckers

This utterly gorgeous chap caught my eye immediately.

His, er, partner was also very, very acceptable to me...

...even before the delightful close-up:

But what I really liked about this sequence was the look of utter contentment on this man's face:

I do like it when people are happy in their work.

And this seemed like a match made in Heaven.

Unfortunately, whenever confronted by cock-sucking, I find myself remembering the research work of a dedicated Freudian psychoanalyst. This genius calculated that the ratio of size between an erect adult cock and an adult mouth is identical to the ratio between an adult woman's nipple and a baby's mouth.

I don't know whether this detracts from or adds to the pleasure to be had? But it might explain some of the sense of contentment.

1 comment:

Niall said...

If you suck it properly a milky liquid comes out too.
Does that add or detract from the appeal?