Thursday, 4 March 2010

Dirty habits

I featured a sequence with this mad monk a while back.

Despite me describing it as one of the most absurd things I've ever posted, some of you felt it was deep and meaningful "Art".

Out of the kindness of my heart, I've therefore decided to post another monkish sequence for you.

This one is, at least, grounded in some sort of back-story.

Muscly man in gym, Narcissism, self-worship, etc, etc.

You could see how that might get a monk all, er, riled up.

The methods adopted by this monk are, perhaps, a tad extreme for our current Holy Pappa (is that his name?).

But the intention is the same, I should imagine.

After a bit of a spanking, the naughty boy gets a wash.

Or something like that.

Maybe it's true: I was always taught cleanliness was next to Godliness.


Jim in SC said...

He does seem to find some rather nice subjects for his pleasure. Thanks for sharing...

Niall said...

Very hot man. Like his beefy legs!

Anonymous said...

I'd be very happy to clean his winkie for him.

Anonymous said...

Deep and meaningful art my arse! This is probably the most completely ridiculous sequence you've ever posted. Made me laugh though. Thanks