Sunday, 21 March 2010

The Italians

From Ciao! magazine in 1973: The Italians.

Utterly unerotic, but with bags of charm.

And -- Glory be! -- with no depilation in sight.

For God's sake, they're not even pretty!

But, I dunno...

There's something rather compelling about it all.


Tom said...

They look like stills from a Pasolini film.

Viollet said...

Which (of several) Ciao! magazines are they from? Surely not the Canadian one, and certainly not the Japanese (which is apparently aimed at 13-year-old girls)!
The boys themselves I think are rather delightful in their unabashed nakedness.

Anonymous said...

What's interesting here is imagining them dressed in those tiny bathing suits of the time. And the ensuing anterior projections.

Anonymous said...

You are worrying about a pretty face? I didn't even notice until you mentioned it.