Monday, 15 March 2010


Am currently obsessed with the rounded curves of the thigh.

This part of the male anatomy has some claim to being the best bit.

The meaty manliness of the hunky thigh as it curves round into the buttock...

This area has long held a fascination for me.

I firmly believe it's an anatomical area that repays close study.

Yes. Yes indeed. Orf to do some more study now...


albeo said...

why is the last guy's face bleeding? and does this mark the start of a le duc s&m series? please, say no...

LeDuc said...

Why on earth were you looking at his face? What's wrong with you?!

Anonymous said...

.......didn't even notice the face was to buy looking at the nice white ass and the thigh which has always been one of my favorite things to look at on a man. Thanks for the post.......

Fred in Florida

John in Australia said...

Upper thigh is my favourite bit really - can look at this area forever - so full of promise.