Tuesday, 23 March 2010

What the Hell am I playing at?

My stupid MacBook Pro (sic) has been misbehaving again, and it's taken me a couple of days to research the fix (ironically one I had to do ages ago -- resetting PRAM to cure psychedelic mis-colouring of the display screen which rendered everything illegible, in case you were interested).

That means I've got a backlog of, er, cool stuff to tell you about including this bumper crop of fag-related films:

Dare, much anticipated (by me), and a disappointment of Homeric proportions;

Give Me Your Hand (Donne-moi la Main), one of those intriguing French films in which nothing very much happens but it's all rather beautiful (featuring a delightful pair of identical twins, and all sorts of wistful, semi-incestuous longing, but an extremely disappointing absence of any cock whatsoever);

Twisted Romance (Vil Romance), an Argentine, semi-pornographic film about an abusive -- almost S&M -- relationship between an evil older gun supplier and a very cute young guy. "Semi-pornographic" is A Good Thing, obviously;

I Love You Phillip Morris, Jim Carrey and Ewan McGregor playing star-crossed lovers in one of the most unusual (and successful) rom-coms to come out of Hollywood over the last few decades.

I've got another film to see this evening, though, so don't hold your breath.


sticks said...

Oh LeDuc!
You blinked in "Give Me Your Hand"! There was a winkie, two maybe, when one twin was 'bathing' in the river with the farm-worker. Admittedly, it/they were silhouettes from behind and between his/their legs. But at least one nice, uncut winkie, nevertheless!

LeDuc said...

I couldn't actually make anything out in that scene -- although I admit it looked potentially promising. I don't count the "from behind between his legs" shot because, although that did look scarily mutant (on the farm worker), it could as easily have been a cock sock.

But I was probably still bitterly disappointed from the earlier scene, where the "straight" twin was bathing in the river in front of his brother but, somehow, managed to avoid showing us anything. Devastatingly disappointing!

And somehow you expect more from the French.

Although I should add that the film did give me pleasant memories of Andre Techine's brilliant movie Les Roseaux Sauvages, where lots of cute boys stand around in a river in just their pants. Niiice.

Viollet said...

"stupid MacBook Pro" - well you did fall for Apple's self- regarding hype, or you'd have gone for something far more universal and easier to fix (not necessarily Microsoft these days, either). And I don't buy the "more intuitive" sales pitch re Mac, either. But then, I suppose you are an architect ...

Bad luck. Just think about Linux next time!

LeDuc said...

Viollet: just remember that well-known saying -- no human being has ever looked more sexually desirable as a result of saying "I told you so" -- and now have a look in the mirror...