Tuesday 13 April 2010

Blond(e) moment

There's something about blond chest hair which is both intriguing and disappointing.

This lovely-looking chap has it, of course, and it only enhances his loveliness.

It's just that... it's so half-hearted.

Big, tufty exuberances of manly black chest hair would be so much more, er, manly, don't you think?

And I feel so churlish writing this, I really do, because this chap clearly is utterly delightful.

Maybe I've just become one of those bitter ones -- you know, we sometimes do that, when we get older.

1 comment:

Jim in SC said...

Sigh... he has the exact body type I like -- not overly worked up. A true blonde, btw. Thank you for this offering...