Saturday 3 April 2010

So, so tall

My favourite pornographer has been at it again, this time capturing a rather lanky-looking tattoo artist.

The model is, apparently, extremely tall, and he also did all his own tattoos -- he was practising, before he went professional.

The fact that he practised on his own cock suggests a degree of dedication I find unimaginable.

But that hard stare suggests he is a man of determination: he apparently described tattooing his cock as the single most painful experience of his life.

Perhaps that's why he put skulls on it, although I am a tad concerned by the Freudian symbolism behind it all. And let's not even get started on a Jungian interpretation.

I am not a huge fan of tattoos, possibly for the very same reason that some people love them: that they provide permanent clothing, taking away even the possibility of naked intimacy. But I might make an exception for this guy. Though I'd probably be quite scared...


Anonymous said...

Can you give the url for the guy that does these photos?

Jim in SC said...

Charming chap! Thanks for the feet, btw. I appreciate your diligence..