Friday, 16 April 2010

Early promise

I'm sorry to have to tell you that it's Lady V's fault I have no time for posting this evening. She made me go and see Tilda Swinton in I am Love. Which, as always when Lady V makes me do something, turned out to be absolutely the right thing to do. More of Tilda tomorrow.

In the meantime, you're going to have to make do with this:

This chap's face looks very promising indeed and, as your eyes slowly sink lower, his body more than confirms the completeness of his loveliness. But then you reach his cock.

Well, not so much his cock, exactly -- which is near perfect from my perspective -- but the hideous shaved appearance, like some sort of burns victim/pre-pubescent. WTF?

I'm sure he'll be mortified to learn that I no longer fancy him at all. Bummer.

PS: Some time later...

A very generous reader who is also extremely talented has now sent through a "corrected" image, showing that lovely beach lovely restored to his natural state.

I am now officially in love.

With both the beach boy AND my very talented reader.


Stewart Jackel said...

But those beautiful balls. Positively edible!

The New Me said...

oh thank heavens. order.

Anonymous said...

could they maybe add a little armpit hair? Love the 2nd pic. Thanx!