Monday 5 April 2010

Random round-up of tiny (ie, normal) winkies

There's been an unforgivable shortage of small cock on here recently, so you get a random roundup to make things right.

I love this next shot. Have you noticed how naked men in verite shots in public places are almost always a tiny fraction of the size of gay porn models?:

Part of that may be due to anxiety- or fear-induced shrivel, but not necessarily:

And not all porn models are [always] so massive:

When they're relaxed and focussed on something else, men's winkies assume their natural state:

I'm particularly fond of this next chap's chap:

And just to prove that not all of these men are "growers", either:

While all of them have been delightful, I have saved the best until last:

He's lovely, he is.

Er... nothing else to report here.


Anonymous said...

Are you following

LeDuc said...

Not following, no -- but some kind reader pointed me at the URL so I scavenged all that good stuff from there.

I have no shame.

I should add that the site's name is a big fat lie -- a lot of their images are of giant mutant winkies, and, alas, most of the photos are very low res. But thieves should be grateful!