Saturday 17 April 2010

It's an ill wind...

Talk about a butterfly's wing-flutter creating a hurricane on the other side of the world... who'd have thought the eruption of, er, Eyjafjallajokull volcano would cause such chaos?

I rather like this photo, showing what appears to be a rather grand cumulonimbus forming:

Closer inspection shows that, in fact, it is rather more ghastly than that:

Meanwhile, hundreds of kilometres away...

So what?, you say. Well, that patch of blue sky is on the flight path to Heathrow: normally at any given moment you'd be able to see up to half a dozen aircraft lining up through here, one screaming over every 90 seconds or so, and this is the spot where they lower their undercarriages.

Instead, today, we had glorious empty blue sky.

Brompton Cemetery (for that is where we are) contained no sounds at all other than the intense singing of birds and the very occasional distant rumble of a comforting train.

It was a truly magnificent spring day in here, and it was a complete pleasure not to have the intrusive scream of overhead jets.

I spent most of my stroll smiling smugly, like some sort of weird community care/day release mentalist. Incidentally, what sort of bird is this:

I'm rubbish at bird's names. Though I'm quite good at spotting Japanese-style blossom emerging:

Yeah, I'm enjoying this aircraft grounding. At least until Monday, they now say. And the Met Office says that, er, Eyjafjallajokull could be pumping out aircraft-unfriendly ash for months. Hm... This might even prompt us to start planning for a greener, more sustainable (and less vulnerable) future.


sticks said...

'What's this bird?'
It's a jay, a member of the crow family!

Yes, a glorious day. It would have been interesting to experience it in Kew Gardens, normally drowned in the summery song of planes nearly at Heathrow.

LeDuc said...

Thanks. You see, I really am rubbish at the names of birds...

albeo said...

I, on the other hand, am not quite as delighted by the Ikea-sounding volcano's shenanighans. The grounding of airplanes does not affect me yet, but I have planned a climate-careless series of return journeys between Milan and London over the next 2 months to regain a semblance of social life. This ash means I might be stuck here for months, unless I fork out 400 EUR for a train ticket and forget about weekend commuting. Sustainable lifestyle, sure. Happy lifestyle, that's another story...

LeDuc said...

albeo: Ah, as my friend (other) Catherine once told me when I was banging on about something or other, "of course, principles don't matter a damn unless it costs you something to hold them".

Damn, she's a wise woman.

The moral of the story is that you should abandon Milan immediately and return to our ample bosoms, permanently, right now.

Come on, hurry!