Thursday, 19 August 2010

Get outta here

I know this may come as a terrible blow, but I'm escaping for a bit.

I'm running away from London, a city that feels oppressive and depressed, and retreating to Norfolk, which feels, er, even more oppressive and depressed.

But it'll be a change of scenery, at least.

Anyhow, the point is that over the next few days you'll be looking in vain for updates on the glittering and salacious world of my life (or, at least, more pictures of small winkies), because there won't be any. What with Norfolk still being in the Stone Age and all that I won't have internet access.

Anyway, just thought I'd warn you. And some sort of service might resume next Tuesday. Depending on what mood I'm in.

Pip pip.


Biffo the Bear said...

Gosh! Norfolk and no new postings. A bleak outlook for us all, including you.

Do you think that this guy has shaved off his pubic hair in the belief that it will make his perfectly agreeable cock seem larger?

Niall said...

Owww :-(
I'll be a dull weekend without any juicy treats to look forward to here. At least this final chap is a super hottie! :-)
Enjoy your getaway Mr LeDuc!

Anonymous said...

The sucking just doesn't stop, does it?

Hi LeDuc.

I came here for a shoulder to cry on and you have skipped town on me. Guys: you are all the same.

I do hope you are enjoying the oppressive new surroundings you find yourself in for a few days. Any change in scenery will do most of the time.

While you bask in the glow of dreariness you find yourself in until next week, I just want you know (but I guess there is no way in hell that you will know) that there will be no Naked Public Guyz this weekend.

Blogger slammed the big iron gate on us and padlocked it. Not only that, they even nailed together a big plywood wall behind it so no one can see in.

Talk about dreary and oppressive.

Yes, our blog is gone. Removed. Now all you will find if you look there is the big iron gate with a plywood wall behind it and laying on the ground near the gate, a dirty, grungy-looking child's doll, naked, with her legs missing and presumably carried off by stray animals or worse.

How sickening.

I loved that doll.

And the blog was pretty cool too.

But no more. No, no, the blog was not worthy of life anymore then my Emma. Emma was my doll that got left behind accidentally in the mad rush to escape the escavators.

Not good.

You can learn more here if you like:

Sorry to ruin your vacation with such solemn news. I am usually chipper and full of cheer.

Not today. Today I mourn.

sniffle, sniffle.

TTYL, Mike

LeDuc said...

Bummer, Mike: I hope your reinstatement campaign goes well!

Anonymous said...

Hi, big fella, and thanks.

Not so good thus far.

Other than an automated response to our email, we have heard nothing.

Glad you are back and back to posting.

BTW, I gave a bad addy here. I opened a gripe blog that explains in painful detail what occurred Friday (the day NPG went missing) and my attempts to correct things. That addy is really:

I spelled the name wrong in the URL. I left out the letter i in the word public. See what being distraught does to people?

Now we have a replacement blog for NPG. 1 with pictures, and more stuff soon. The addy is in another comment already.

So very confusing.

All the best, Mike