Given how easily tape measures and rulers can be faked, the solution is to photograph your winkie alongside an everyday domestic object, typically a beer bottle (exhibitionism for some reason having a strong association with booze).

But sometimes you can't lay your hands on a beer bottle in a hurry, so you have to improvise (I would suggest that cans of ladies' shaving foam are not generally a good idea -- they give off the wrong sort of vibe whether the exhibitionist is straight or gay):

This phenomenon is not confined to men with massive dicks who are just showing off: sometimes our smaller-dicked friends just want to be up-front:

And again:

But, in general, I would say there's a lot of showing off involved (and this next one shows how a fat shaft can make a lengthy winkle look disproportionately small -- hence the need for the comparative object):

But I do like images like this -- where the (I would guess) youthful exhibitionist has chosen a really, really small Bic fag lighter, presumably in the hope that it makes him look correspondingly bigger.

Whereas this last chap doesn't really seem to have grasped the idea at all:

In fact, now I think about it that looks a bit creepy.
My thanks to the exciting new specialist blog devoted entirely to images such as this, from which these were all nicked.
The last picture made me snort. The first one just made me think ow!
I'm intrigued, where would i find this blog? Ps... They all seem to have fat todgers, even the 'small' one!
Can we have a link?
It's here: http://hunglikea.tumblr.com/
Though I think I've already stolen all the best pictures!
Oh how id love to sit on that first one.
No, no, no!
You're looking at completely the wrong blog!!
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