Sunday, 29 August 2010

Massaged to fit

If you've been paying close attention over the last few months you'll know how much I adore massage.

Or, rather, being massaged.

Although, as it happens, I also do rather like touching and stroking.

I don't write about it very much.

But that doesn't mean I don't enjoy it.

And it's just that it's such a physical, visceral sort of thing, I find it difficult to articulate.

Words seem like the antithesis of the primal sensation of touch.

There's even a distant bat-squeak of it in this picture sequence.

Don't get me wrong: I'm not pretending that this isn't porn, that it is instead something very noble and primal.

But just as porn can be a simulacrum of our intimate wishes, so this sequence can stand in for my feelings.

As it happens, I think this is rather a wonderful sequence.

The men are not too pretty or absurdly over-manicured.

In fact, they're close enough to flesh and blood, breathing humans for me to believe in them.

The setting is simple and neutral, and doesn't intrude -- which is as it should be (for me, massage is about being focused inwards, not outwards).

It's all about the touch, of course.

Our heroes now go beyond the boundaries of conventional commercial massage.

But it doesn't feel to me like they've gone too far.

I have to say, I don't think I've ever had a massage -- no matter who was doing it, man or woman, beautiful or not -- without feeling closer to that person in an almost sexual way.

Maybe massage is at the weird intersection, between sexual intimacy and intimate grooming touch.

It seems -- for me -- to unlock something ancient and very real.

I suppose the way most professional (non-sexual) massage therapists surround themselves with the trappings of medical paraphernalia is an attempt to insert some distance between themselves and their clients.

But I wonder if that's not denying what this really is: an extraordinary connection between two humans.

A connection that grows out of a core physicality yet somehow transcends it to become something altogether more spiritual and meaningful.


Niall said...

Love the sequence. And the men in it.
I think the "massage" pretence might be a little on the thin side (massaging each others cocks with their mouths etc..) just because it happens to be on a massaging table, but it's certainly an appealing fantasy.
Do you think it might work as a business proposition? ;-)

Anonymous said...

A beautiful segment. If the images portray elements of sexual fantasy, your words capture the strange and wonderful feeling so well, the thin line between male intimacy and erotica, the balance between the pleasure of being touched and the business of strangers.

Uncutplus said...

Where is the video of this massage? I want to see the video!!! Beautiful men creating my ultimate fantasy!!!