Saturday, 7 August 2010

Try again

I posted this image a few days ago.

While I admired it, I was also whining that I only had that single image of him.

I'm delighted to tell you that three more images have now, er, come into my possession.

I don't want to get the hopes too high among those of you who are more direct -- there is still no cock shot.

But, accepting that failing, what we do have is, I think, truly magnificent:

I can't tell you how much I am hoping to get my hands on more.


Niall said...

Oooh yes, he is magnificent indeedy!! :-0
Do we have a name to put to his very handsomly masculine face?

LeDuc said...

Actually there is no name so can I suggest, in best Blackadder style, that we call him "Bob"?

Jim in SC said...

Excellent! Great that there are no SMTs as well. Thank you for your diligence...