Sunday 20 December 2009

If you go down to the woods today...

This may well be one of the more absurd photosequences I have posted here.

Assuming, of course, that you take trains as seriously as I do.

Assuming you do, this sequence is just mental.

It's a weird mixture of tacky Hallowe'en costumes and no-budget movies...

...mixed with a bit of overheated gay man's fantasy...

...and some bizarre sort of fetish.

Despite that, there is something rather jolly about it all.

Like a ribald seaside postcard (God, that makes me sound old. How many people under 30 have actually ever sent a seaside postcard?)... a ribald seaside postcard, this sequence is more about the laughs than the eroticism.

Although, strangely, I find myself drawn to our endangered hero.

Pert wee winkie, even if he has been a bit over-shaved.

Yep, all things considered, I think that was one of my best-ever posts. Oh, yes.


Uncutplus said...

You said "more about the laughs than the eroticism"??? I dunno what's wrong with me, but I found it damned erotic!!! Such manhandling -- especially that last scene where his prepuce gets pulled! Such fantasy!


Jim in SC said...

Damn, LeDuc. Where do you find all of these hot images? It's certainly worth what we pay for your site! ;-)

Chris said...

The fact there was a foreskin there at all came as surprise too...

MasD said...

Ooooh LeDuc,

That's damn erotic! Notice the pleasure on the captive's face (frame 7 and 9)....that's a tremendous turn on!

Must be the master side of me coming out.

Love it!

Anonymous said...

wow, how'd he find so much foreskin to pull...nice surprise