Thursday 10 December 2009


This was one of those tiresome British comedies, all middle class nonsense while trying to be Everyman -- Death at a Funeral:

It did not set 2007 alight.

Which is why it is all the more inexplicable (is that even possible?) that Hollywood has decided to remake it:

However, the US remake does have one towering advantage over its British parent, which is the lovely presence of lovely Sex-God James Marsden, who I'm delighted to say is playing a role which requires him to spend a very substantial part of the movie completely and utterly naked.

Actually, this is piquing my interest in this film, although it's bound to be just a tease: lovely James has never yet let us see his winkie.

Although he has featured in a bunch of delightful portraits, including for risqué photographer Greg Gorman.

Here's Alan Tudyk from the original, showing us -- well, nothing, actually, since the smut and innuendo is all done in The Best Possible Taste:

If nothing else, James Marsden will give the remake a huge, huge headstart...


Unknown said...

Never, you say? Well lookie here:

I'm not sure how genuine they are or where they're originally from but they sure are nice.

LeDuc said...

Alas, both fakes, I'm afraid. And you got my hopes up, too!

MasD said...

Just watched the trailer of the remake and definitely the original is better, though I love to watch James M in anything. There was this small indie film he was in a couple of years ago where he played a closeted gay man who had an affair with a dead photographer and were having an affair with a stage actor. Glen Close played a stage diva. Anyway...he was lovely in that movie. But his talent were wasted in 27 Dresses.

Anyway, I'm sure the remake will reach a different group of audience since it starred Chris Rock.

andyluke said...

i'm sure that i've seen the shower / soap pic somewhere before - in a photo exhibition or something - i'll go an explore further