Wednesday 23 December 2009

I'm off

Ending the year as I began it, with a whimper rather than a bang...

Am off for a few days, so no more posting from me for about a week.

I should also tell you that posting will then be very intermittent until at least half-way through January.

Apologies for the silence (it's tiresome and unavoidable family duties which are keeping us apart).

"Duties"... did you get it?!

How will you manage without me? I'm sure you'll figure something out...

But when I return, you'll have not just my world-famous "Best Films of 2009" to look forward to, but my soon-to-be world-famous "Best Films Of The First Decade of the New Millennium", too.

Happy holidays!


Anonymous said...

A merry Christmas and a happy New Year to you, LeDuc. Many thanks for the year to date and here's wishing you inspiration for the year to come

Josh said...

Happy Holidays my friend, hope you have a very festive season, and thanks for all your HARD work during this year. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with next!!!

Unknown said...

le duc - you rule! continue to do so in '10. always the best to you and your loved ones.

Anonymous said...

Happy Christmas to you. Keep up the great blogging I love your comments on things.

MasD said...

Happy Holidays to you LeDuc, thanks for all your time and effort to entertain us everyday through the years.

Cheers. Looking forward to read your post in '10.