Wednesday, 30 June 2010


After a glorious run in which we were introduced to more hot rugby players' bodies than any one man might reasonably wish to handle, last year Dieux de Stade went all coy and, dare I say it?, fey.

This year's calendar held out a promise that things had reverted to more usual form, and the early photos that are now leaking out from the just-published book-of-the-photoshoot are very, very promising indeed.

Nothing else to share with you yet, but I'm hoping to feature some rugby totty in a couple of days. Fingers crossed.

Who says all sport is boring?


Tom said...

Does that player on the left have one of those uber-gay above-the-butt tattoos?

Stewart Jackel said...

He does!
I must get one at once.
Is it appropriate though, given that my gluteus maximi are approaching minimi?