Tuesday 17 November 2009

Beside the seaside

A black and white theme here, starting with a pair of photos I've been meaning to post for an eternity.

Delightfully relaxed.

That's enough of that -- now for an entire photo sequence from the beach that, for some reason, has caught my eye.

No commentary necessary, I think.

And a pair to finish:

Yep -- utterly delightful. I'm so overcome I can write no more...


Anonymous said...

When and where were these taken I wonder? The hairstyles look decidedly 1930s, and in that decade the ubiquitous foreskins and KDF-style antics suggest Germany. Right or wrong?

LeDuc said...

That may be the style they're aiming for, but I think these are modern

Though, embarrassingly, I can't actually remember where I got them from.

Niall said...

Superb pictures! Very beautiful and elegant.
Thanks for finally sharing with us :-)

brass-monkey said...

Sorry. I think they're horrid.

Anonymous said...

They generate quite a nostalgic feeling when some of my childhood was spent at the seashore - wishing even at that young age that I had the secret of Superboy's xray vision - the second chap in your post reminds me of early Jon Bon Jovi - thanks for another entertaining and lovely post -
Jon the anon