Wednesday 18 November 2009

Pop 'em in the Wolseley

Continuing my whiney theme, a quick trio from sunnier times.

His winkle was a bit bulky for my tastes, but I did enjoy his fluffy pubes.

This next chap is prime Argentine beef:

And this last chap has the most perfect winkie:

It's all about quality, not quantity, here on Reciprocating Motion.


Jim in SC said...

A perfect mouthfull below the belt, and so manly everywhere else...

Anonymous said...

Reviewing a large pile of pics last night I reckoned some 14% of the 'cavaliers' would have benefited from the snip; this last chap looks like another candidate, attractive as he most surely is

jsstrand said...

"snip"?? I think not - snip is what you do when you get a haircut or trim your fingernails - amputation and resection is more appropriate terminology for a surgical procedure that ablates the most sensitive parts of the penis and limits its natural functionality - most often without the owners permission or benefit of anesthesia - currently infant circumcision violates social and medical ethics and technically violates the US equal protection laws passed in the 90's - the sooner this archaic procedure dies its long overdue death the better - thanks to information on the internet, rates are dropping in spite of the concerted efforts of a procirc lobby determined to generate new justifications to replace the old thoroughly disproved ones -
sorry, Leduq - anonymous just hit a nerve there - you can delete this if you feel it's going to generate controvery that you don't want in your living room -

Chris said...

This is an image I keep coming back to - a beautiful natural size and shape, in my experience. Stunning! And perky.. Non-European readers: it's not as much of a hygiene problem as you seem to think.

Niall said...

Wow! :-P That last chap in the red is SUPER HOT! Yummy and gorgeous in every way! :-) Great find Mr LeDuc!

Oh and reviewing Mr Anonymous's comment on "snipping 14% of the cavaliers", well...I reccomend that he familiarise himself with the natural, present and correct male anatomy a little better before making such a stupid and presumptuous remark.
I don't think he nor anyone else is in a position to be telling other men which bits of their manhood they should or shouldn't be keeping! Foreskin is every man's birthright, and in my opinion one of the most enjoyable and intimate parts of the male body. If you don't like it by all means mutilate your own penis (if it wasn't allready done to you by force at birth), but don't embarrass yourself with such stupid remarks. Honestly.

Anonymous said...

Jon and Niall might be more open-minded if they'd seen some of the painful cases an army recruiting medical centre can produce, and if they knew how grateful lads could be who'd duly had the 'snip'. Some even came back later to say so. It's easy to get too emotive over the issue

LeDuc said...

Anonymous: I don't think anyone here is disputing the desirability of circumcision when there are clear medical reasons for doing so, OR when an adult decides for aesthetic or other reasons that that's what they want. Adults have the right to do what they please to their own bodies.

I don't think anyone in contemporary western society would defend the idea of female infant circumcision on "health" or "religious" or "social" or "aesthetic" grounds -- so why on earth do we think it's alright to do it to boys?

A civilised society is all about choice rather than indoctrination, about freedom rather than compulsion, and about the right to self-determination rather than having irreversible things done to one when one is an infant.

Reciprocating Motion, like its predecessor blogs, does not discriminate against men who have been circumcised -- but we abhor the practice of mutilating infants when there is no immediate medical necessity for it.

Anonymous said...

I quite agree - "just for the hell of it" isn't a good reason. Add to that the impression that the mechanical devices used in the US seem often to produce a result which doesn't look at all user (abuser?!) friendly compared with how its done in UK and perhaps we have an explanation for the emotive reactions from across the ocean. Your approach, LeDuc, is, as ever, very well balanced.

Niall said...

If you read what I said properly you'll see I didn't at any point say circumcision should not be allowed, or that there is never a medically sound reason for it. I said as an adult, if one wishes to do that to ones self, then one can. I might not find it in good taste but that's just my personal opinion. I was annoyed that anyone could have the cheek to claim that by looking at a single photograph he thinks he can decide whether another man should get cut. Thats just pure arrogance.