Wednesday 17 February 2010

It's complicated

For reasons which are too complicated to go into (while also being immensely dull), I ended up watching the Meryl Streep/Alec Baldwin "rom com" It's Complicated.

This is possibly one of the worst films I have ever seen.

It's certainly in that ball-park, anyway: over-rich people living their spoiled, dull lives out of which they have to make ridiculous dramas, presumably to convince themselves that they are in fact not yet dead.

They might as well be.

The exception to this damning tirade was the lovely John Krasinski.

I don't think I was just overly seduced by his easy charms, but the scenes featuring him seemed to spring to life while the rest of the film was floundering around like a flayed corpse.

Conversely, I'm sure it did no harm that John is so eaaasy on the eye, in a guy-next-door kindof way.

And that he appears to have hairy bits in all the right places (a perception confirmed in reality, so far as I am aware, just once, during an all-too-brief scene in the American version of The Office):*

God, I loved that scene...

I'm trying to put the memory of It's Complicated out of my mind, but there was one other smiley-faced chap who caught my attention -- Hunter Parrish:

Not my usual cup of tea, and nothing particularly special, but, my God, in the dregs of that film you had to seek comfort and solace wherever the Hell you could...

* For the pedants among you, John Krasinski also gave good hair during a masturbation-in-the-shower-sequence in that delightful stoner comedy Smiley Face.

Ha! You thought you'd got one over on me, didn't you!

1 comment:

Michael Scott said...

Hunter Parrish can also be seen as the eldest son Silas, in 'Weeds'

Still enjoying your blog very much - thanks!
