Tuesday 16 February 2010

A philosophy of modelling

I stumbled across a cache of photos (as you do) of this bodybuilder chap:

He's a nice-looking man, don't get me wrong...

...it's just that, for some reason, this posing wasn't really doing anything for me.

There's something about many bodybuilders -- as if they have taken their sculpting so far that the object I am observing is somehow no longer human.

And therefore it becomes much less interesting to me. Much less intriguing.

But then, luckily, I came to a load more photos where he ceased his formal posturing and, instead, suddenly came alive:

It felt as if the real guy was suddenly there, rather than the model.

He became playful and warm...

...almost daring us to stare at him.

Perhaps perversely (you think?), the images I found most arousing were those which sliced him up into individual body parts.

No, I have no idea how that squares with my earlier proposition that he appears less human by being overly pumped.

There's just no getting away from it: my brain really is a sewer of perversion.


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