Thursday 18 February 2010

La Prison

I vaguely remember, as a teenager, watching a generally tedious French drama series called, I think, La Prison, whose sole redeeming feature from my perspective was the tendency of the sexy male stars to get naked while having sex with assorted French floosies -- at least one male star would be revealed in each episode.

The prediliction of French telly to have decent full-frontal male nudity was its most interesting characteristic.

Although, such has the concept of public service broadcasting been diluted today, what are the chances of there being a French language drama series on a broadcaster on a weekday evening?

Anyway, I was reminded of La Prison by this delightful photo-sequence.

I rather liked the jaunty prison garb they were wearing (over their rather sparky nylon pants).

But I was particularly intrigued by the art director's understanding that prisoners sleep on futons, in cells with beige carpet and skirting board, while each cell boasts a rather fine array of electrical and tv sockets.

Oops -- you couldn't really see his socket in that last one. Here's a clearer view:

Prisoners also get to keep their plastic bracelets, too, apparently.

I think I've probably said enough now. Let's just leave it at that, shall we?

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