Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Hairy transports of delight

This is just too delicious:

A rather talented photoshopper takes photos of manly porn stars and then adds hirsuteness, publishing before and after pictures.

This man is an utter genius!

If I was a fairy with a magic wand (no sniggering at the back) I'd be tempted to do exactly this -- to spread the magic of body hair all around me (this next chap, for instance, now looks utterly glorious):

I'm not so sure about the porntaches, though, or about some of the tackier tattoos.

But overall this is a genius idea and I want to marry the artist as a reward.

I'm sure he'll be thrilled.


Anonymous said...

I've done my share of messing with the photoshopping programs - but this guy is really really artistic with an incredibly deft touch - I know how time-consuming work like this can be - I'm impressed
I wonder how he would do on replacing foreskins on circs???

Jon in Texas
(I am logged in, but could not make the comment publish as it kept telling me the words didn't match - so back to anon)

Anonymous said...

The gorgeous guy in the last Pic is gay DJ Seth Cooper...

Jim in SC said...

I have seen a lot of his work on flickr. While I am in general agreement with you, I think he sometimes takes it a bit too far (if that is even possible). Thank you for sharing these with us.

LeDuc said...

DJ Seth Cooper is a God.

Of course I have no idea what sort of music he's into, but even if it's not Bach I would still love him.