Saturday, 17 July 2010

If you can't say something nice...

I was about to post a whole sequence featuring this chap and his laughable "fly-away" hair (and ridiculously pendulous cock), but I was suddenly overcome with remorse.

I'm sorry to have to tell you that I don't feel like writing mean things tonight.

Still, tomorrow's another day, eh?


Anonymous said...


Hair or no, he's very er nice.

Shame about the pubes, though.

Anonymous said...

He looks like he ought to be in a boy band and, for my slutty self, that substantial member is a decided mark in his favour!

Niall said...

A bit less of the Britney Spears hair up top, and a bit more down below around his coak and he'd be pretty apealing to me.

Anonymous said...

Would it be asking too much to enquire where you tumbled upon - sorry, found - him? It's time we had a new boy band and I'm sure a talent scout would reward you handsomely for the intro; ability to play a musical instrument or sing is, of course, quite immaterial!

LeDuc said...

I'm afraid he's someone I found years ago and since then he's been patiently waiting in the porn archive/motherlode for an opportunity to be aired.

I have absolutely no idea where I first saw him. Sorry.

I do have a few other images and, since unlike me you seem to like his flyaway hair, I'll post them in a day or so (assuming I can find them again...).

Anonymous said...

Ooooh! Waiting with eager anticipation...

Anonymous said...

Have a look at the photos of Dylan Rosser ('the male form'). There he goes by the name of Brayan.