Friday, 17 September 2010


This is not one of the more common porno sequences, in that it features one decidedly chunky-looking chap:

It also starts off with that delicious CMNM -- "clothed man / naked man" -- thing: many porno sequences skip over undressing, which I always think is hugely erotic.

And, Glory of Glories, it also shows us one of the chaps with a limp dick. A modestly-sized limp dick, at that:

After this super-promising start, things become more conventional.

I'm not objecting though. So let's leave the happy couple at a point where full excitement has been reached.

You can use your imagination for what happens next, right?

Come on: it's not hard to guess.


chris said...

Is that a wedding ring on Mr Clothed Man's finger?

LeDuc said...

In these days of civil partnerships it's so hard to tell.