Wednesday, 15 September 2010

The return of briefcase mong

Can I say what a joy it is to have them back, in a new series (you can watch it at 4OD).

The first episode of the new series of The Inbetweeners, as is now traditional, exposes parts of Joe Thomas' body we have not seen before -- in this case his left testicle, which has a starring role and, frankly, about which there is very much to admire (a stunt testicle was not used). Very much indeed.

Highly recommended.


Anonymous said...

And a very nice left testicle it is too.

Anonymous said...

Huge fun - even on a rustic connection like mine which keeps you in suspense every few seconds

NakedGreenpoint said...

I live in the States and this show is virtually unknown here. I think it's great and I always wait for new episodes. Unfortunately, can't access 4OD in America ...

LeDuc said...

Maybe they think it won't translate well to the US (it is, after all, much filthier than the average US sitcom), but I think that's to misread the market. It's a niche product, but the humiliation of being a teenager is a near-universal experience (among boys, anyway).

Still, at least it's all available on DVD: the DVD of this new series is out before the end of next month, which is a very rapid turn-around.