Tuesday 28 September 2010


Tragic/farcical news that the man whose company manufactures the Segway has died after accidentally sliding off a cliff while, er, riding a Segway.

I must say, I like the idea of the Segway.

I've never tried one (in the ludicrously over-regulated UK, they are illegal when used anywhere other than on your own private property).

But I've seen them in action, in the US and in the saner parts of Europe, and they make me smile.

There's now some new, 4-wheel version that looks like a giant pram.

This strikes me as missing the point -- much of the pleasure comes from the contradiction of a two-wheeled vehicle being stable. Although I concede that in this next shot it does appear to be fun:

Segway didn't sell as many models as they thought they would to domestic consumers, so they have been trying to target other markets -- this next one doesn't really convince me, though:

Whereas this last shot looks right to me.

Almost makes me want to be a policeman again, something I've not wished for since about the age of 7.

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