Thursday 30 September 2010

Pubic shock

Can I just say, once and for all, that this pubic shaving nonsense has gotten completely out of hand.

A perfectly delightful composition ruined by the weirdness of their mostly bald Mons.

It's an utter travesty.


carpehominem said...

hear hear! i'm all for a trim here and there to keep the borders neat and to make sure the prize exhibits aren't obscured, but i like a man to look like a man, not a pre-pubescent. it almost makes one feel guilty about looking at porn ... and that would never do

LeDuc said...

Trim...? Neat...?

Nooooo! We love bushy exuberances; vast, explosive outbursts of wirey or crinkly pubic hair.

I'm going all weak at the knees just writing that.