Saturday, 25 September 2010

Jake does porn!

Obviously this image just smacked me in the teeth:

Jake deploying his "come to bed" eyes to maximum effect, enticing us into the image to engage with his delightful form, our bodies all a-tremble with anticipation...

Alas, it's a Big Fat Fake.

Here's the proof:

I knew it.

Still, while we're here let's have a closer look at Jake's stunt torso:

Actually he's rather tasty in his own right.

PS: Apologies for any mad-looking crops to the images in my posts: Blogger has introduced a new editing interface without any instructions and I now have no idea how to control the size of the images.

As always, click to enlarge if you want to see the whole thing.


Avenjer said...

I always love these, once they find the real photos they come from. I know my way around photoshop too but I do think this was a great job of matching skin tone, lighting and even jaw lines of Jake and the model :)

Anonymous said...

AND the picture uploader is slooooow!

Dean said...

Good fake, but I like the original better. he looks exactly like Scott McGillivray from HGTV's Income Property--YUM!!!